Messiah by G.F. Händel was performed for a full house in Eldborg Harpa at the 40 years anniversary concert of the Motet Choir and the Reykjavik Friends of the Arts Society. The performers got standing ovation and a warm and long applause and the performance got great reviews in one of the Icelandic newspapers Fbl- with the summary: Magnificent Messiah!
Performers were The Motet Choir, The Reykjavik International Baroque Orchestra, Berit Norbakken soprano, Alex Potter countertenor, Elmar Gilbertsson tenor and Oddur A. Jónsson bass. Conductor was Hörður Áskelsson and concertmaster Tuomo Suni.
The recording from the Messiah performance will be sent out on RÚV rás 1 on Christmas day – the first part at 16.55 and the second part at 19.00.
Photos: Kristín Bogadóttir