Opening of an art exhibition in the church’s vestibule after service.
November 27th 2016, Sunday, 12.15 pm
Málfríður Aðalsteinsdóttir was born and raised in Reykjavík but has lived and worked in Oslo for several years. Her work mainly centers on two themes: The harsh nature of the Northern hemisphere, and traditional craftsmanship and cultural heritage.
Inspired by the dome of the Pantheon in Rome, Málfríður tackles the meaning and structure of domes in different religions and cultures in her art work. The Pantheon was originally built as a heathen temple, but later transformed into a Catholic church. Málfríður also shows domes from cultures outside of Europe, such as Turba Sitta Zubayda in Iraq and patterns from temples and palaces in India. Málfríður’s work mainly centers on two themes: The harsh nature of the Northern hemisphere, and traditional craftsmanship and cultural heritage. The exhibition is curated by Rósa Gísladóttir. The exhibition will be open until February 19th, 2017. Free admittance.